Thursday, February 25, 2010

20 weeks pregnant-5 months-Half way there!

My body: I felt really good this week. The most exciting thing happened this week...I felt the baby. This was the first time I was sure it was the baby and I can't wait for it to happen again. There have been several other times that it was probably the baby, but I can't say with as much certainty as the first time. It felt like a flock of butterfies flittering around in my stomach:) The only complaint I have for this week is the hip/back pain at night. I wake up and feel a “charley-horse” sensation that is alleviated by sitting up or walking around. Thankfully, I did not lose any sleep from this, but it is pretty uncomfortable. This week I learned that walking for long periods of time can leave my lower abdomen very uncomfortable. My mom and I went to IKEA and I was pretty exhausted by the end of our shopping journey. I took several breaks, but didn’t avoid the pressured feeling that came at the end. So, I guess I learned a lesson about standing/walking for long periods of time. I have been so busy this week that I haven’t had much an opportunity to get to the gym, but I plan on getting back today. I think a little bit of regular walking and a few light weights will do wonders in the end!

The baby Length: 10 inches
Size- About the size of a banana
Weight- 10.5 ounces
Interesting info: “By 20 weeks, your baby is now practicing breathing and swallowing on a regular basis. Your baby continues to grow and fill out, with the head becoming slightly more proportional to the rest of the body.
Your baby's skin is becoming more complex now, forming different layers. The epidermis, or surface of your baby's skin, has four layers that contain ridges for fingertips. The layers that form in your baby's palms and feet will provide him with his own unique fingerprint later in life.”
To see a 3D picture of the baby’s progress:

What we did this week: I was happy to visit with 2 friends I haven’t seen in a while. On Friday night, I went to dinner with a few of the girls, including Lauren who is in town from Seattle. It was so nice to see everyone and catch up. On Saturday day night, Jonathan and I attended Rachel’s engagement party and celebrated with her and her family. It was a very nice party and I enjoyed meeting her fiancĂ©.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

19 weeks pregnant

19 weeks pregnant- almost half way there! Do I look smaller than last week? Perhaps I shouldn't have taken the picture right after a trip to Fugi steakhouse last week...

My body- I am a big fan of the second trimester. Things are pretty uneventful, other than my growing belly. I have slept well and ate well…Probably ate TOO well because I am always hungry, but I guess that is part of it. I am hungrier more often, but get full faster so at least I have that going for me. My weight gain is right on track with the recommendations, which I am very happy about. There have been 2 times where I think I felt a little tap-tap from the baby, but I am not 100% sure yet. We had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and heard that amazing heart beat once again. It truly is the best noise I have ever heard in my life and Jonathan agrees. 145 beautiful beats per minute. We heard movement again with the Doppler, but I couldn’t feel it. I can’t wait for the unmistakable first kick…and every kick thereafter. We have our ultrasound scheduled for March 12, which we are so excited about!

The baby Length: 6 inches
Size- About the size of a
Weight- 8.5 ounces

Interesting facts: In the nineteenth week of pregnancy the development of the baby becomes very specific. The kidneys of the baby start making urine. There also growth of hair on the scalp of the baby. The gums start developing the teeth of the baby. A remarkable development is in the brain of the baby where the parts that control the senses start specializing. If the baby is a girl then at this time her ovaries have more than 6 million eggs. While prior to this week the baby was measured from its crown to rump, now the baby is measured from his head to toe. The length of the baby is 7 ½ inches and his weight is around 7 ounces. The skeleton of the baby hardens and the muscles in his body become stronger. If one has already started feeling the baby then one realizes that the kicks and the punches of the baby have become much rigorous at this stage. The baby moves in the stomach trying to figure out the limits of the womb with both his arms and legs. The baby also sleeps a lot, around 20 hours in a day, but often gets up when the mother wants to lie down and take rest or go off to sleep. By the 19th week of pregnancy the baby becomes aware of the sounds that take place outside the uterus of the mother. One might feel the baby getting startled at some unexpected or loud noise that is made.
By pregnancy 19 weeks, your baby's brain is also forming pockets to specialize in smell, taste, hearing, vision, and even touch. If you are having a girl, she already has produced six million eggs in her ovaries, though this number will decrease by 4 million by the time your newborn baby is born.

To see a 3D picture of the baby’s progress:

What we are doing now: Jonathan celebrated his 30th birthday this past Friday, so we celebrated at my moms. I spent most of this week indoors because of all the snow that has fallen. Jonathan went to work as usual, but was able to enjoy a few quiet days in retail.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

18 weeks pregnant

My body- I had a much easier time sleeping this week… Last week I found myself up worrying about all sorts of things. The sad part is that little of it had to do with this miracle inside me. A stressful week at work was the culprit this time. Thankfully, things are slowing down now and my mind is easing up on me! I am really enjoying my pregnancy so far and feel very lucky up to this point. I have felt really good in m second trimester and (compared to most) felt great in my first trimester. Since entering the second trimester, my energy has returned and I am back to a normal amount of sleep (13 hours was WAY too much!)

The baby
Length: 5.6 inches
Size- About the size of a green pepper
Weight- 6.7 ounces
Interesting fact: The baby's ears are now facing forward and are completely formed so he/she can actually hear us talking now. This week is the beginning of ossification, which is hardening of the baby's miniature bones. Our baby's nerves are making more and more complex connections. His/her sense of smell, taste, sight and hearing are all developing. A substance called myelin, which makes nerve connections travel faster, is now coating the baby's nerves. The baby’s genitals are formed and we could know the sex now if we wanted to, and if the baby was in the right postion.

To see a 3D picture of the baby’s progress:

What we are doing now: Our big goal is to finish the basement in the next couple of months. This has been a work in progress for the past year and we have done it all ourselves! I throw the word “we” out there like I am actually doing anything to contribute to this. My part has merely included cooking good dinners or desserts when my husband and friend have been working and positive reinforcement at the end of each day! I am happy with my role and the progress. “We” still have to finish the trim, install carpet and install light fixtures …that’s it!!!!!!! When the basement is finished, we will move the office furniture downstairs and begin work on the nursery.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

17 weeks pregnant

My body- I think I felt a few flutters this last week. It is hard to say for sure because as soon as I felt them, they were gone. It is very exciting none the less! My stomach was a lot less itchy this week, which was so nice!!!! I am not happy to report that I gained 2.5 pounds in 3 days and was really watching what I ate. I know that gaining weight is part of it and I am happy to gain for this baby, but my goodness….that is out of control. Sleeping has been an issue on and off for the past few weeks. Some nights I sleep great, but other nights I watch the hours roll by. I search for a comfortable position and when I finally find it, my mind is racing about all the things that need to be done. I am afraid that once I am actually a parent and have real worries, I may never sleep again….I am not complaining though!

The baby Length: A little over 5 inches
Size- About the size of a baked potato
Weight- 5 ounces
Interesting fact: The baby is learning to swallow. His/her toenails are beginning to grow from their nail beds. The skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord. Baby can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop.

To see a 3D picture of the baby’s progress:

Nursery: Grandma, mom and Aunt (my mom, myself and my sister) took a trip to Target and Babies-R-Us this week. We had a lot of fun limiting the choices for when daddy makes the trip. Babies sure do need a lot of stuff!