Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jett's first week at home

The story of Jett's arrival.
My mom had planned an early birthday dinner for me just incase the baby decided to arrive on my birthday. We all went to Larosas at 8:00 pm on July 15th, my due date. On the car ride to the restaurant I had 2 contractions but was sure it wasn't going to continue (because we had had several false alarms in the days leading up.) The contractions continued through dinner and I started timing them. For the third time that week, I said to my husband "Are we going to have a baby tonight?" We both laughed and said, "probably not." The contractions were sporatic, coming anywhere from 2 minutes apart to 10 minutes apart. So, I made it through dinner and we headed home. I got right on the treadmill in homes to keep the contractions coming. After 20 minutes, I called my husand down and asked if he thought I should call the doctor. I was so worried that I would go to the hospital and not be in labor that I was really hesitant to make the call. We decided to call and just see what he thought. Dr. Kirkwood called me back within minutes and said to come on in to be checked out. I arrived at the hospital at 10:30, was examined, and determined to be 2-3 cm dilated. Keep in mind I had been 2 cm dilated for 4 weeks, so I wasn't really sure if I should be encouraged my this or not. The nurse told me to walk for an hour and then come back. Me, Jonathan, my mom and my sister made many rounds around the first floor of the hospital for the next hour and then returned to be examined. I had progressed to 4 cm. which was really exciting. They admitted me around 11:45 and immediately hooked me up to an IV, baby heartrate monitor and contraction monitor. Over the next 3 hours, our eyes were glued to the contraction monitor. Believe it or not, I was still nervous that this wasn't it and that the contractions were going to stop any minute. My contractions became increasingly more painful until 3:00 am, when they gave me an epidural. Ah, relief. I was compfortable until around 6:00 am, when I started feeling everything again and with much more intensity. They broke my water around 7:00 am, after realizing that I had only dilated one more cm. in the last 7 hours. I was not 5 cm dilated and they broke my water in hopes to move things along more quickly. I was still doing well and Jett was handling labor very well. They tried several things to make me more compfortable, but nothing was working. Jett was facing the cieling, so they tried several things to get him to face the floor. At around 12:00, I said I had to start pushing and thankfully, he had turned around by this time. I pushed for an hour and a half and then our beautiul baby boy arrived. The doctor confirmed that I had no pain assistance throughout the delivery process and that she considered it a natural delivery...go figure:)

Jett is ready for his first doctor's appt.- 1 week old.4 days old 3 days old.

Sleepy baby.
This is his boxer look.
5 days old and very alert:)
He loves his pack-n-play. One week old. A big trip to the front yard:)
Jett's first bath. He was much happier when it was over:)
He loves to eat his hands.
He does not look happy...
Jett and Daddy.
Jett, the entertainer:) Mawmaw and Pawpaw.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Introducing baby Jett- hospital pictures

Jett is ready for his first car ride:) Proud daddy with a very sllepy baby.
Jett getting weighed.
Close up.
Close up- side view.
His diaper is as big as him:)
Proud grandma.
Another close up- He was worn out:)
Mawmaw and Pawpaw.
Uncle Brady
Aunt Abby and Uncle Alex.
To be added...Uncle David. His picture was taken with mom's camera.

Proud daddy...can't help but kiss him:)
Me and Jett, right after delivery.

Jett's first bath. He hated the bath but loved having his hair washed.
Jett's first picture...about a minute old and a little shocked by him new world.

40 weeks pregnant- due date

I will write here later.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

39 Weeks Pregnant

My body: I had a few days where I was pretty uncomfortable, but since then I have felt really good. When I keep myself busy, I feel much better (because I am distracted, I am sure.) I have been having some crazy dreams and have to write this one down…I was at church with 2 day old baby b/c I really wanted to show him/her off to my friends (who in my dream all went to my church.) The baby was in the carrier and I was such a proud mama, gently supporting the head and talking with friends. I realize at this point that I should probably be at home with a 2 day old baby and not out and about. So, I left a garbage bag full of donations at the entrance of the church and start to my car to head home. I got in the car and think “where is the baby?” At this point, I realize that the baby is in a plastic bag that I left by the door of the church. So, I drive my car over to pick up the bag. Inside the bag is my baby, which has turned into a chicken dinner (WHAT????). Specifically, the baby was now a dinner roll. So, I carefully pick up the dinner roll to put it in the car seat. I had a very hard time getting the dinner roll baby into the car seat, because “he/she” was so small. I remember thinking that the baby had lost his/her facial features at this point. That was the end of the dream…how crazy is that????

The baby:
Weight: 7.2 pounds
Length: 19-20 inches

Interesting fact: The baby gets the hiccups all the time now. He/she is most active between 8-10 am and 5-7 pm.

What’s going on with us: Jonathan continues to add finishing touches to the basement and is so close to being finished. We picked up the glider from my friend this week and it fits in the nursery perfectly. The nursery is 100% finished and just missing a baby:) The last few days, I have started to have a lot of different emotions about labor, delivery and the arrival of the baby. I am so anxious for things to get started but am nervous too.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

38 weeks pregnant

My body: I had false labor on Friday night for about 2 ½ hours, and as soon as I called the doctor, it stopped…of course! BUT it was nice to have a bit of a trial run on what to do if I go into labor after hours. I continue to have sporadic contractions and round ligament spasms, but overall feel pretty good. My biggest complaint right now is how slow time is moving. I am trying to fill my days with different activities, but I have to take it a little easier at this point. At my appointment on Monday, the doctor said I am probably not any further along than I was last Monday (which is not uncommon.) He did say my cervix was soft and was happy with the progress my body has made up to this point. So, now I am curious to see where I am at next Monday. I continue to go every Monday and Thursday for Non Stress Tests, which are always normal. Blood pressure and amniotic fluid checks are always good.

The baby:
Weight: 6.5 pounds
Length:19-20 inches
Interesting fact: This baby is finished cooking:) He or she is fully developed and now is busy chunking up:)

What’s going on with us: Jonathan has been hard at work in the basement completing final touches. Doors are painted and handles are attached. He is working to insall the canlights today. I have organized and cleaned just about everything in the house. I am going to come home from the hospital with a clean house if it kills me!

My mom: Had eye surgery again today to remove a rapidly growing cataract on her eye. This is very common to have done after retina surgery, but an inconvenience to her none-the-less. Please say prayers that this will restore her vision and confirm that the retina is still attached!