My body: Men hold your ears…I urinate every 5 minutes and I am only slightly exaggerating. I think for sure that the baby must have dropped recently to cause that sort of activity from my bladder. I feel really good though and now that the air is fixed in my car, the temperature is manageable. I got this taken care of just in time for the 90 degree weather we are about to see. I thought I would be terrible uncomfortable being pregnant in this heat, but I don’t think it’s any worse that before I was pregnant…Never was a huge fan of 90 degree weather:) I am happy to be in the home stretch of this pregnancy and more excited than ever to meet this person.
The baby:
Height: 18.5 inches
Weight: Nearly 6 pounds
Interesting facts: “Your baby continues to put on weight at about ½ pound each week. This layer of fat will help your baby regulate his body temperature after leaving your climate-controlled womb. In fact, your baby will be 15 percent fat at birth (and you ... well that's another story). Even in the womb, your baby can listen, feel, touch and see…His gums are firm with ridges that look somewhat like teeth…Your baby has definite patterns of sleep and wakefulness—opening his eyes while awake and closing them while sleeping. Your baby will become alert and turn his head toward light and sound just as a newborn would”
Update on my mom: As most of you know, my mom had a detached retina that was discovered about a week and a half ago. She had surgery to re-attach the retina last Thursday. The surgery went well, but a heavy dose of pain medicine (for a headache none the less) left her nauseous for much of Thursday. On the upside, it knocked her out so well that she was able to sleep through most of Thursday after the surgery. She was told on Thursday to lay on her stomach face down in a special pillow throughout Thursday, through the night and as much as possible until her follow up appointment at 9:30 the next day. She did a really great job of this, which caused her eye to swell…believe it or not, that was a very good thing. They were very proud of her swollen eye at the follow up appointment. Apparently, the better you do your job of facing down, the “better” your eye will swell. So, she got the good patient award and we are very proud of her. Everything looked good at her follow up and she will go back on Monday for another check up. We will know how her retina and vision have responded at her 1 month follow up visit. The eye looks a lot better, but her eye is still swollen shut at this point.
What’s going on with us: Over the last week, we have completed several “getting ready for baby” activities. We installed the car seat and had it checked at a car seat inspection sight. We finished packing the hospital bag (okay 2 bags.) We stocked up on diapers and wipes and discussed what we still plan to purchase before the baby arrives. It is so amazing to me that with all the wonderful things we have to make our baby comfortable and our life easier, and all the baby really needs is us! A friend of mine is giving us her glider, which I can’t wait to rock my baby in! Also, last Sunday we had dinner with Jonathan's family to celebrate the baby coming. We recieved a beautiful basket full of baby goodies and a beautiful quilt that Jonathan's mom made. I was nice for the family to get together again before the baby comes.
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